Here is the link to our promotional video:

In Quarter Midget Racing, the kids go to Rookie Training right from the beginning. Here they are taught the basics; flags, lineup, driving skills, etc. Safety is of utmost importance because we are dealing with our kids! Helmets up to the standards of the big guys, arm restraints, seat belt harness systems, driving gloves and racing suits are always MANDATORY. Yes, Quarter Midget Racing is safe!
Families can choose to participate on a local, regional or national level, the choice is theirs.
The benefits of Quarter Midget Racing is virtually immeasurable. Few other sports permit all members of the family to participate as much. In addition to preparing and maintaining the race car, Moms and Dads help to run the races and the clubs.
The kids learn sportsmanship and a genuine respect for the rights of other drivers. It develops coordination, a sense of timing and the ability to plan ahead. Once the green flag has dropped, they are on their own. Kids learn to play hard and also learn that rules must be observed. Rule infractions result in penalties or disqualification.
The program helps the drivers gain self reliance, confidence and self-esteem while learning respect for themselves and others. It is a life teaching experience! Come enjoy some exciting racing. It’s always free admission.
See ya there!!